Versions | 5.3 to latest version |
Products | All products |
Released | 21 November 2006 |
Hi Robin, Thanks for your prompt response. This particular software was downloaded and installed directly from web (student version) and I was not able to select ACE or what other extras to install.IEC-60617 Symbols AutoCAD Electrical - PDF Free Download.
SIMetrix is able to import simulation models from many sources. In particular, most device manufacturers provide SPICE Models for their components and the vast majority of these are compatible with SIMetrix.
This article describes the procedure required to install models and also some of the problems that are commonly experienced with models.
Note that this article does not cover the installation of models from process foundries used for integrated circuit design. For this, see Using Models from Process Foundries.
Simulation models consist of a number of lines of text providing a definition of the electrical characteristics of the device. The lines will reside in a file which may also contain other models. Often however, the file will contain just one device model. Typically the files have the extension .CIR, .MOD, .SPI or .LIB, but this is by no means always the case. Note that SIMetrix doesn't care what the file extension is.
How to install opengl for mac os x. Thank you for reading. Nice writeup. Up-to that far, you have learnt how to install OSSEC agent on Mac OS X.
Model files will always have either lines beginning .SUBCKT or lines beginning .MODEL and quite commonly you will see both. If there are no lines that start with either of these two words, then the file is not a SPICE model file and will not be useable by SIMetrix.
The exact procedure for obtaining the model file varies from one manufacturer to another. Commonly, manufacturers provide a link to SPICE Models on their data sheet page.
Unfortunately, its difficult to give detailed instructions on exactly what you do with this link as this varies between sites - and sometimes between different pages on the same site. But the following are, we hope, useful guidelines.
On most sites, you should not click on the link directly, but instead 'Save Target As..' (right click pop up menu in Internet Explorer) and select a suitable location to save to on your hard disk. A default file name will usually appear and if this has the extension .MOD, .CIR, .SPI or .LIB, then you can be reasonably confident that you are saving a correctly formatted model. (These aren't the only file extensions used - they are just the most common. )
If the file has the extension .HTML or .HTM then you shouldn't save it, but cancel and then click on the link in the normal way. You will then be directed to a new web page which may have more links on it. In the case of Analog Devices, for example, you will be presented with a legal agreement that you have to agree to first. When you press the 'I agree' button, the browser is then directed to display the text of the model. In this case you should now save the page that is displayed. But, and this is important, you must save the page as plain text. The default with Internet Explorer is to save as an HTML file and this will not work as a model. To save as plain text in IE, select 'Text file (*.txt)' in the 'Save as type' drop down box. You will get a file with the extension .TXT, but that's OK, SIMetrix will handle it. (But you may prefer to change it to some more suitable extension.)
The end result that you want is a text file that contains lines starting with things like '.SUBCKT', '.MODEL' and '.ENDS'. It should definitely NOT contain lines containing <HTML>, <HEAD>, <META .. >. The latter are HTML tags and if your file has these in it then it means that it has been saved as web page. You should instead save it as text file - see above.
With SIMetrix, all you need to do to install a model is pick up the model file or model files or directory containing model files and drop them in the SIMetrix command shell. That is all you need to do to install the electrical model itself. It may not be all you need to do to use the model in the schematic editor, but we will cover that issue later.
Here is the drag and drop procedure in detail:
That is all that is needed to install the electrical model. You may also need to provide some further information to use the model in the schematic editor. This is explained in the next section.
Once you have installed the electrical model, you should be able to see it listed in the schematic's parts browser. This is what you do:
If presented with a symbol, all you need to do now is place it and carry on with your schematic design. You can skip the remaining steps.
If SIMetrix is not able to figure out what the model is, you will now be presented with a dialog box like the one shown in step 9 below.
Now select a suitable symbol from Define Symbol for ???. If there is no suitable symbol available, press Auto Create Symbol to create a new one. The new symbol will be functionally correct although it may not be ideal. You can change the pin names if these are not suitable by pressing Edit Pin Names.. and you can edit the symbol graphics after the symbol is placed on the schematic.
You will now see something like the following:
You will not need to repeat the above association procedure when placing the same device again. SIMetrix stores this information permanently.
KB entry ID: 000009
Last revision: 3 January 2017
Print this articleThank you for using our software library. Use the link given below and proceed to the developer's website in order to download PSpice free.
We wish to warn you that since PSpice files are downloaded from an external source, FDM Lib bears no responsibility for the safety of such downloads. We recommend checking your downloads with an antivirus. FDM Lib takes it upon itself to provide free download links and inform users when the developing company starts providing a version of PSpice for direct download.
Versions | 5.3 to latest version |
Products | All products |
Released | 21 November 2006 |
Hi Robin, Thanks for your prompt response. This particular software was downloaded and installed directly from web (student version) and I was not able to select ACE or what other extras to install.IEC-60617 Symbols AutoCAD Electrical - PDF Free Download.
SIMetrix is able to import simulation models from many sources. In particular, most device manufacturers provide SPICE Models for their components and the vast majority of these are compatible with SIMetrix.
This article describes the procedure required to install models and also some of the problems that are commonly experienced with models.
Note that this article does not cover the installation of models from process foundries used for integrated circuit design. For this, see Using Models from Process Foundries.
Simulation models consist of a number of lines of text providing a definition of the electrical characteristics of the device. The lines will reside in a file which may also contain other models. Often however, the file will contain just one device model. Typically the files have the extension .CIR, .MOD, .SPI or .LIB, but this is by no means always the case. Note that SIMetrix doesn't care what the file extension is.
How to install opengl for mac os x. Thank you for reading. Nice writeup. Up-to that far, you have learnt how to install OSSEC agent on Mac OS X.
Model files will always have either lines beginning .SUBCKT or lines beginning .MODEL and quite commonly you will see both. If there are no lines that start with either of these two words, then the file is not a SPICE model file and will not be useable by SIMetrix.
The exact procedure for obtaining the model file varies from one manufacturer to another. Commonly, manufacturers provide a link to SPICE Models on their data sheet page.
Unfortunately, its difficult to give detailed instructions on exactly what you do with this link as this varies between sites - and sometimes between different pages on the same site. But the following are, we hope, useful guidelines.
On most sites, you should not click on the link directly, but instead 'Save Target As..' (right click pop up menu in Internet Explorer) and select a suitable location to save to on your hard disk. A default file name will usually appear and if this has the extension .MOD, .CIR, .SPI or .LIB, then you can be reasonably confident that you are saving a correctly formatted model. (These aren't the only file extensions used - they are just the most common. )
If the file has the extension .HTML or .HTM then you shouldn't save it, but cancel and then click on the link in the normal way. You will then be directed to a new web page which may have more links on it. In the case of Analog Devices, for example, you will be presented with a legal agreement that you have to agree to first. When you press the 'I agree' button, the browser is then directed to display the text of the model. In this case you should now save the page that is displayed. But, and this is important, you must save the page as plain text. The default with Internet Explorer is to save as an HTML file and this will not work as a model. To save as plain text in IE, select 'Text file (*.txt)' in the 'Save as type' drop down box. You will get a file with the extension .TXT, but that's OK, SIMetrix will handle it. (But you may prefer to change it to some more suitable extension.)
The end result that you want is a text file that contains lines starting with things like '.SUBCKT', '.MODEL' and '.ENDS'. It should definitely NOT contain lines containing <HTML>, <HEAD>, <META .. >. The latter are HTML tags and if your file has these in it then it means that it has been saved as web page. You should instead save it as text file - see above.
With SIMetrix, all you need to do to install a model is pick up the model file or model files or directory containing model files and drop them in the SIMetrix command shell. That is all you need to do to install the electrical model itself. It may not be all you need to do to use the model in the schematic editor, but we will cover that issue later.
Here is the drag and drop procedure in detail:
That is all that is needed to install the electrical model. You may also need to provide some further information to use the model in the schematic editor. This is explained in the next section.
Once you have installed the electrical model, you should be able to see it listed in the schematic's parts browser. This is what you do:
If presented with a symbol, all you need to do now is place it and carry on with your schematic design. You can skip the remaining steps.
If SIMetrix is not able to figure out what the model is, you will now be presented with a dialog box like the one shown in step 9 below.
Now select a suitable symbol from Define Symbol for ???. If there is no suitable symbol available, press Auto Create Symbol to create a new one. The new symbol will be functionally correct although it may not be ideal. You can change the pin names if these are not suitable by pressing Edit Pin Names.. and you can edit the symbol graphics after the symbol is placed on the schematic.
You will now see something like the following:
You will not need to repeat the above association procedure when placing the same device again. SIMetrix stores this information permanently.
KB entry ID: 000009
Last revision: 3 January 2017
Print this articleThank you for using our software library. Use the link given below and proceed to the developer's website in order to download PSpice free.
We wish to warn you that since PSpice files are downloaded from an external source, FDM Lib bears no responsibility for the safety of such downloads. We recommend checking your downloads with an antivirus. FDM Lib takes it upon itself to provide free download links and inform users when the developing company starts providing a version of PSpice for direct download.